Sunday, January 18, 2009

Is Winter geting to Ya?

Notes for Today

They are some that really love winter (a few) let me know who they are please?
If you stay home more in winter (like me) then you need to have a few hobbies.
I knit while watching tv. and winter can make one want to get out unfinished work and give it another try. Time to read more , take an online educational course.

I am trying to use my time wisely on these cold winter days and nights . I have gotten out some unfinished art work and have my knitting needles clicking during my favorite tv. shows.

Look for a new work from me soon at

They are some new Hearts there now and Collages .

Keep Warm Keep Safe Winter only lasts until spring.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Do you get Art Attacks?

Notes for Today
Do you get Art Attacks ? I do.

I have had one today. The symtoms are :

Looking into drawers and boxes and closets for materials.
Pacing from room to room with ideas bouncing in and out of your head.
Thinking of colors and how to mix the paints for exciting new colors .
Feel creative and have to get something on paper .
Get something on a canvas .
Get out the sewing or what ever
Shop for Art.

Gotta go-------- once you have an Art Attack you have to act quickly as creativity comes and goes quickly, and if shopping --Art is one of a kind.

For all of those who have had an Art Attack today and want to shop for Art go to
where a variey of completed art works are for sale. and satisfy your art attack.

Capture the moment.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Art The Adventure

Notes for Today
Let the adventure begin.

Lots of new projects on the go . So many things need to be finished.

Keeping late hours , soon new arrivals coming to